The Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust only makes grants to registered charities and not to individuals.

An application for funding may be made at any time and should be submitted in writing to the Trust Manager either by post or email.  Trustees request that the letter of application should provide a clear and concise description of the project for which the funding is required as well as the outcomes and benefits that it is intended to achieve.  They also require an outline budget and explanation of how the project is to be funded initially and in the future together with the latest annual report and accounts for the charity.

Applications for funding are generally considered within a three month timescale.  Please note that applications which fall outside the Trust's stated areas of interest may not be considered or acknowledged.

Before awarding a grant, Trustees assess applications against the Trust’s objectives and the Charity Commission’s public benefit guidelines to check that public benefit criteria are met.

The Trust usually makes grants which vary in size between £3,000 and £20,000.  These are normally awarded on a one-off basis for a specific purpose or part of a project.  Larger grants are occasionally made on an exceptional basis.

Apply online